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Clemente Rojas Cid


In the Alonso building, where Bros stays, everyone knows who the soul of the place is: Clemente Rojas. The architect of the dialogues about the books in the display case, the one always attentive to the needs of the passing reader and, certainly, the link between small and large book distributors who see in him a renowned cultural manager.

Among the many virtues that can be highlighted in Clemente, I think it is fair to highlight the rarest one to find: his good taste. On one side of his wall of collages, he sits behind a computer screen to observe and guide you through the books they offer. Because their recommendations are not names of books, they are invitations to talk with another hidden in the pages. His clients know it, Clemente recommends like a tailor who makes a custom suit, nothing is left over and nothing is missing if you are willing to share your readings with him.

The art of being a bookseller requires the character that Clemente has. He researches the latest news, organizes book launches and has the wit of someone who knows how to carry on a good conversation to make your visit to Bros an experience that is never repeated the same. Now it is the building, its clients and you who only have to approach to say hello, he will do the rest.



Allowed Pleasures

Narrativa (cuento o novela)

Death comes stylin'


Sentimental concerns

Adam Phillips. Roneo Publishing.

Andrés Montero. La Pollera Editorial.

Teresa Wilms Montt

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